Grosgrain Ribbon - Cotton - 15mm - Various Colors


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Grosgrain Ribbon - Cotton - 15mm - Various Colors
Grosgrain Ribbon - Cotton - 15mm - Various Colors

While we try to accurately represent our colors, please note actual colors may vary. It's important to note that they may look different on a real product than what you see on your computer monitor.

Grosgrain ribbon is a type of fabric or ribbon defined by the fact that its weft is heavier than its warp, creating prominent transverse ribs. Grosgrain has many uses including gift wrapping, book binding, scrapbooking, hair accessories and stabilizing edges of sewing and knitting projects.

Ā 100% cotton / 15mm


Grosgrain Ribbon - Cotton - 15mm - Various Colors
Grosgrain Ribbon - Cotton - 15mm - Various Colors

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